RAD140 is considered to be one of the best mass building SARMs out there. The great thing about SARMS is that they are very selective in its actions. What does this mean? They cause specific growth and development in area’s of the muscle and bones without messing up biological systems like hormone production. So basically, Great results and MINIMAL side effects.That’s right, with Testolone you won’t be experiencing the nasty side effects stuff like steroids can cause. SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) work completely different than steroids and prohormones do. This is probarly the biggest reason why they have become so popular amongst bodybuilders and athletes.
It’s extremely good for building lean muscle mass and strength. This SARM is considered to be one of the best muscle builders for a reason.
The first thing you will start to notice is that your body composure starts to slowly change. After 2-3 weeks of Testolone you will notice your strength rapidly increasing, you will feel much stronger. Due to the fact that you are stronger, you will also be able to pack on muscle much quicker.
After 3-4 weeks you will clearly see visible muscle gains. From here on you will just start adding more size and strength. Usually, after about 8 weeks you will have packed on anywhere from 10 to 15 lbs of muscle mass.
RAD140 is about 5 times stronger than Ostarine and stronger than LGD-4033.
The recommanded dosages are between 10 to 30mg per day for 8 to 10 weeks
Some users will also stack SARMs. A typical one would be a combination of RAD, MK-677, and LGD4033.
SARMs like Testolone are selective in everything they do, meaning they should not be causing a whole lot of side effects.
It is worth mentioning that RAD140 is one of the newer SARMs and there isn’t a whole lot known about potential side effects in humans. The good news is that the clinical studies showed no side effects associated with the use of Testolone.
The good news is that with RAD140 you won’t have to worry about side effects such as gyno, high blood pressure and acne.
Some users might experience some headache, hair shedding or nausea but there is no evidence linking it to Testolone.
One side effect worth talking about is testosterone suppression. If you take too much RAD-140 for a longer period of time, your natural hormone production will become suppressed. This means that you might end up needing a PCT to help your hormones recover.